Report by deputy chief of the health department at the Soviet military administration in Germany A.Y. Sokolov for the head of the chief military-sanitary command of the Red Army Y.I. Smirnov about the secret military institute of microbiology at Saxenburg Castle, Saxony.

“…The institute was considered to be a department of the Robert Koch bacteriological institute (Berlin) that produced inactivated anti-pox vaccine; in actual fact, it was a secret microbiological research and development institute (specialising in the most dangerous infections) of the SS army… One of the intercepted documents reveals that five Russian employees were sent to the institute, namely Nikolay Birulya, Victoria Kravchik, Lidya Melikova, Ivan Kumov, Zinaida Kumova…

I find it worth noting that doctor Bauer studied in America and is fluent in English (as well as a little bit in Russian); also he worked at a Berlin radio station that broadcast fascist propaganda for America. When the Russian army advanced further, all the SS staffers changed their uniforms into Red Cross ones and headed to the west… ”